Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Reasons for choosing the Locations.

Sea - This location was chosen to be used for the last scene as it fits and correlates with the meaning and reasoning behind the song, climate change. As the artist enters the sea, the audience will supposedly be lead to believe that this his death. Therefore fitting with the lyrics; "When the salt water fills our lungs, I'll be there to drown with you". A link can also be distinguished between this location choice and the song title 'The Aquatic Escape'.

River - This location was chosen for use because of a number of reasons:

1) Graffiti upon the wall, with a marine theme and style of imagery allowing for yet another link to the title and theme of the song.

2) Once again, the Graffiti aided the decision to use this location as it fits in with lifestyle of the stereotypical listener and target audience. This meaning that the audience can relate to the song and video in another way.

3) River in the background is another source of water. Link to climate change once again.

Subway - I feel that this shot is a metaphor of the artist entering the journey that takes place during the video. A source of light towards the end of the tunnel makes it seem as if the artist disappears, and begins this journey. 

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