Tuesday 3 January 2012

Font Research.

Below, is an image that shows 4 of the fonts researched prior to beginning the designs for the ancillary texts. It was decided to disregard Font number 1 due to the style being too far fetched from the forms and conventions of the indie genre. This font also holds connotations of american football culture and would provide an undesired effect towards the products. In contrast, it was decided that the second font was more appropriate. As a group we felt that this font was similar to fonts used within real media products. After disscussion, font 2 and 4 were selected to be used as inspiration for our final font. I personally felt that the two fonts are both stereotypical of the indie genre and are similar to the real media products which have been examined. Font 3 will also be disregarded, as i feel that this font is childish in style and is not appropriate considering our target audience.

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