Sunday 15 January 2012

How was our Initial Audience Feedback used during production?

We initially presented our proposal to our class of fellow media students. This was followed by a number of questions. Questions covered topics such as Technical Factors, Narration, Atmosphere, Mise en Scene and choice of locations. It was highlighted by a large proportion of the group that we should keep the basis of the video as the artist travelling through a variety of locations and scenes as it gave an almost 'fluid' or 'smooth' structure to the video. Therefore due to fact that such a large number of the group clearly appreciated and were fond of the idea, we decided to go ahead with this concept. In addition, we expanded upon this to also include the theme of public transport to act as a Metaphor for the artist being on his journey. This was achieved by including both the train station and bus stop within the video. 

Initially, when asked "Do you think that the video should be more of a narrative.." The group responded quite clearly with 'no'. They added that "it already has a possible narrative, as it could tell a different story to different people". We therefore decided that the majority of people asked were more than happy with the lack of a clear and precise narrative and were happy to interpret the video in their own individual way. After this feedback had been recieved, we decided to carry on with the initial plan and produce the video.

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