Thursday 17 November 2011

Shot List. (Prior to final storyboard).

Extreme Close Up Shot - By using this shot consecutively,  prior to a Medium shot or Medium-Long shot, the artist can be shown in two different perspectives. For example, one shot can display not only the artist but also the inflatable chair and guitar, whereas the next could simply be the Extreme Close Up of the artists face. This giving the effect of continuity. This shot could also be used to show the artists lips whilst singing, potentially adding significance to the lyrics of the song.

Long Shot - A long shot can be used to show a location or scene in full. In this case no specific details will be focused upon and the artist will simply be seen to compliment his surroundings.

Over The Shoulder Shot - This shot could be used to show the perspective or view of the artist himself. An example of such, is when the artist is observing a location himself, or walking.

Medium Shot -  This shot enables the artist to be shown in full body, however the surrounding environment is not featured much. This could be used so that the audience can still read the lips of the artist as he is singing the lyrics however they can also see his body language and other relevant objects or parts of the location.

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