Wednesday 21 September 2011

The Treatment.

The scene opens with a view of the lift, inside  is the artist who is sitting on anj inflatable chair whilst playing a guitar. The inflatable chair is the main focas point of the video, and will feature throughout. During the video, a range a locations will be used. The inflatable chair will be used in all of these locations. A theme of isolation is created with the use of the chair, as the artist remains seated by himself, looking humble. The artist ventures on a both physical and metaphorical journey, through the many locations, as passers by continue their business with no regard for the character/artist. A naturalistic  tone is created due to the natural locations featured in the video. We intend for the audience of late teenagers and students to relate to the video, and feel empathetic towards the artist. The closing scene, will once again be a shot of a lift. However this time, it will show the chair deflating without the artist being present. I feel as if this will be an effective and dramatic ending to the video.

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